PACKAGE CONTENTS: 2 bricks of Palo Santo, Palo Santo+Lavender, Palo Santo+White Sage, Palo Santo+Cinnamon, Palo Santo+Copal each
OUR ECO-PHILOSOPHY: Our products contain vegan ingredients sourced ethically and are cruelty-free. We prioritize sustainability in agriculture and manufacturing and uphold safe and fair working conditions to minimize our environmental impact.
EXPERTLY BLENDED: Aromafume Incense Bricks are enriched with various natural ingredients including aromatic woods, exotic flowers, natural barks, tree and tree extracts, resins, leaves & flowers. Incense bricks produce low smoke, a clean burn, release a fantastic aroma and last long. The products are non toxic compositions of plant based materials. You will love this so much you won't use any other incense ever again!
HOW TO USE: Use Aromafume Incense brick on our custom exotic burners and enjoy an easy and smoke-free burning experience. Place an incense brick on the copper plate and light the tea-light candle below it. We recommend tea-light candles with a 3.5 to 4 hour burn time. There is a clean fragrance released as the incense does not burn, but is operated by heating and emits a very rich and deep aroma which can scent a room upto 400 square foot in size! Each incense brick has a burn time of 3.5 hours
Palo Santo Incense Gift Set with Exotic Burner | 12 Aromatherapy Bricks for Smudging and Meditation
PACKAGE CONTENTS: 2 bricks of Palo Santo, Palo Santo+Lavender, Palo Santo+White Sage, Palo Santo+Cinnamon, Palo Santo+Copal each
OUR ECO-PHILOSOPHY: Our products contain vegan ingredients sourced ethically and are cruelty-free. We prioritize sustainability in agriculture and manufacturing and uphold safe and fair working conditions to minimize our environmental impact.
EXPERTLY BLENDED: Aromafume Incense Bricks are enriched with various natural ingredients including aromatic woods, exotic flowers, natural barks, tree and tree extracts, resins, leaves & flowers. Incense bricks produce low smoke, a clean burn, release a fantastic aroma and last long. The products are non toxic compositions of plant based materials. You will love this so much you won't use any other incense ever again!
HOW TO USE: Use Aromafume Incense brick on our custom exotic burners and enjoy an easy and smoke-free burning experience. Place an incense brick on the copper plate and light the tea-light candle below it. We recommend tea-light candles with a 3.5 to 4 hour burn time. There is a clean fragrance released as the incense does not burn, but is operated by heating and emits a very rich and deep aroma which can scent a room upto 400 square foot in size! Each incense brick has a burn time of 3.5 hours